Infection particle simulation

infected uninfected immune death infection level R0

This simulation shows why you need to STAY@HOME whenever an infectious disease outbreak occurs.
In the calculation all quantities are unitless. The following settings may be used:
TIME: hour
The container size is 500x500

Color code: GREEN healthy; RED ill; BLACK dead;
HAIRY infected; CIRCLED immune;

Simulation method

We take a number of noninteracting particles moving with random velocity inside a container. The illness level (health level) of every particles is recorded as a number between 0 to 100 which represents healthy to very sick condition. Every time a particle getting too close to another, its health level will decrease according to the condition of the other particle. A contact between two healthy particles will not change the health conditions. The distance that may infect a healthy particle is defined by the expossure distance.

Once a particle recovers it will be immune to the disease. Hence, it will not be a carrier nor get re-infected. When the illness condition exceeds the maximum value, a particle will be considered as dead and immutable.

There is a chance that an ill particle become healthier (defined by the cure-probability), however, once a particle become infected, the condition will be worsened as a function of time. The rate of change of the health condition is defined by the infection growth time --the time required to reach the maximum illness value-- and the health worsening probability. After a particle passes the incubation time, it recovers to a healthy status with rate defined by the recovery time.


name meaning
population number the number of particles (density inverse)
initial infected the number of initially infected particles
health worsening probability the probability that a particle
health level decreases
cure probability the probability that a particle can recover
infection growth time the time that the change of health level evaluated
incubation time the time of virus incubation inside a particle. The infection time is included in this parameter.
recovery time the time needed to recover and become immune
after passing incubation time
expossure radius the distance limit that a particle
can infect other particle


This simulation does not use any measurement units. So the data can be interpretated as is.

name meaning
time elapsed simulation time
infected the number of active infected particles (active case)
uninfected the number of uninfected and susceptible particles
immune the number of healing particles and became immune
death the number of dead particles
R0 the R-nought parameter, measured as the average number of infections caused by one particle
infected level the cummulative value of illness condition of all particles
devided by the total number of particles. The illness level of a particle ranges from 0 to 100 representing healthy and very ill condition

Created by Yudi Rosandi, Dept. Geophysics, Universitas Padjadjaran
Inspired by the idea of Philipp Umstaetter (Dept. Physik, TU-Kaiserslautern)
The code is accessible at GitHub, made public under GNU General Public License v3.0
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